Terms of service.
Studio Use Terms & Rules
Booking Agreement.
Use of our studio and our equipment is AT RENTER’S OWN RISK. Renter hereby waives rights to seek legal redress for mishaps, accidents, and/or loss while on our premises. Renter agrees to leave the studio and adjacent grounds in the same condition as they were when Renter arrived. Renters are solely responsible for any legal infractions Renter or members of Renter’s party make during the conduct of the shoot, be they in our studio or elsewhere. This includes any property damage,parking tickets, all other violations or citations, and legal action resulting from the conduct of the shoot, taken at whatever time. Renter agrees to hold harmless Space F2., its owner, agents, representatives, and contractors acting on its behalf for any loss, accident, or injury to Renter’s self or anyone who accompanies Renter while on our premises. Renter agrees to be solely responsible for the conduct and welfare of all persons accompanying Renter while on our premises.. Renter understands that if Space F2 observes dangerous, or negligent practices or activities are being engaged,Space F2 reserves the right to stop the shoot and require Renter and Renter’s party to leave immediately — HOWEVER, Space F2 assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY to act in such cases. Renter agrees to hold Space F2, its agents, representatives, and anyone acting on behalf of Space F2 completely harmless from any action, legal or otherwise, that results from Renter’s conduct. Renters are solely responsible for verifying that all models/personal employed during Renter’s rental period are of legal age for the activities they are to be engaged in. Space F2 has no responsibility to determine or verify the age of participants in the renter’s activities but reserves the right to end those activities if it becomes aware of any legal age violations on premises.
Use of equipment:
Space F2 agrees to provide equipment in good working order, but makes no special guarantees as to said equipment’s functionality or suitability to Renter’s purposes. Space F2 is not liable for acts out of its control that affect the shoot, such as power outages, weather conditions or emergencies. In such cases, Space F2 will refund a prorated portion of Renter’s payment.
It is the renters responsibility to keep Studio clean during the rental period. Please be careful when working on any of the painted floors, especially when moving any props. Any paint damages will incur an additional cleaning fee. Cleaning and Tear Down must be done within the booking time. All cleaning conducted after the agreed rental period time will result in additional late fees and all cleaning fees will apply to the reservation.
Time stipulations:
Hourly rental periods are 60 minutes. Half day rental periods are 4 hours. Full day rental periods are 8 hours. Studio clean up must be completed by the end of the rental period. If the studio is not satisfactorily returned to the state it was prior to the rental period, a clean-up fee will be assessed as per the current Space F2 Rate Sheet. All Standard bookings have a maximum of 12 people occupancy,If you have more than 12 people your booking will transfer into an event and will be charged by the current Company rate sheet. Overtime will be calculated in increments of 15 minutes beyond the contracted end-time of the rental period when renter is either still using or cleaning up the studio space. Overtime fees will be $10.00 per 15 min . Do not arrive late - Renter’s rental time begins promptly at the designated starting time and ends promptly at the designated ending time. There will be NO exceptions to this so don't ask.
Studio Membership Agreement
Note: Terms or exceptions to terms that ONLY apply to Members are printed in italics.
Membership includes: 1. Access to equipment in the studio 24 hours a day; 7 days a week.
2. Free access to studio Computer and printer
3.Free parking
4.free Office or meeting venue
5. The option to leave equipment in lock down (must fit in a 25” x 10” X 18” locker)
6.13 Hours (780 min) Shooting time. (does not include meetings or time used for client tours) per month.
7. Key and one free replacement.
8. Additional shelf space if the Burning Rose co. Studios staff determines that I do not have enough space for my equipment and tools.
Personal Risk:
1. I agree not to hold Space F2 Studios financially liable for any injury that may incur on the premises of Space F2. Studios.
2. Agree to all Terms Laid out in the Space F2 rental agreement
1. I agree to follow the current Studio Rules and any future changes to those rules.
2. I agree to the current consignment rate and payment schedule outlined in the Studio Rules.
3. Members are not to share their Access code Keys with any unauthorized parties, Doing so will result in loss of membership
4. Members are responsible for any Damage caused by their clients
5. All Events have a 4 Hour (240 min) limit
6. All events have a cleaning fee (see spacef2.com for current cleaning fees and event classifications)
7. All Studio props and furniture is to remain on premises
1. I understand that I am required to set up automatic payments upon becoming a member.
2. It is my responsibility to keep the payment information up-to-date and notify Space F2 Studios of any changes that would affect my payment processing.
3. I understand that payments will be processed on a monthly basis on or near my membership renewal date.
4. I understand that the amounts paid each month will vary according to my account balance, and Burning rose co. Studios will email me a statement detailing the charges being paid. If no email address is available, Space F2 Studios will mail me a paper copy.
5. I understand that no payment will be processed and no statement will be sent for any month in which I have an account balance of zero or less.
6. I understand that a credit will not be issued to my bank or credit card for any negative balance.
7. I understand that I am responsible to pay any bank charges that may occur from insufficient funds or other problems in trying to process my automatic payment.
Cancellation of Membership:
1. I can cancel my membership for any reason.
2.Space F2 Studios will automatically renew my membership if I fail to notify them of cancellation on or before the final day of my membership.
I understand that to cancel my membership at Space F2 Studios I must: 1. Give Space F2 Studios written or verbal notice one day prior to my next membership due date. 2. Turn in my key prior to my next membership due date. 3. Clean off my shelf of all materials and remove all my equipment from the Studio prior to my next membership due date. 4. Any materials left, including pieces in Studio, will become the property of Space F2 Studios. 5. I will be assessed a $100 administration fee if Cancel on my First membership month. Cancellation or Termination of Membership by Space F2 Studios: I understand that membership is a privilege, and Space F2 Studios has the right to terminate my membership at will. Space F2 Studios is not responsible to refund or prorate any prepaid membership fees.
Space F2 will cancel my membership if: 1. I repeatedly break the rules established by Studio. 2. I am disrespectful toward other members, their clients, or their privacy. 3. If I come to Space F2 Studios under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. 4. If I bring or consume alcohol on the premise of Space F2 Studios without the consent of the Studios Management. 5. If I bring or use illegal drugs on the Studios premises. 6. If I touch the electric breaker without permission from the Studios Management. 7. If I do not pay my account balance in a timely manner. 8. If I Use other members equipment without their consent.